Monday, March 26, 2012

Today on Kresta in the Afternoon - March 26, 2012

Talking about the "things that matter most" on March 26

4:00 – Direct to My Desk – National Rally for Religious Freedom a Resounding Success: Local Impact and What it Means Moving Forward
On Friday, grassroots activism sent a powerful and unambiguous message to President Obama and Secretary Sebelius – we will not stand by and have our religious liberty trampled. The Stand Up for Religious Freedom Rallies took place in over 140 cities and had attendance of AT LEAST 54,548 as tallied thus far! These rallies were a great success on many levels from the turnout, to refocusing the issue back to religious liberty and not contraception, but one of the surprising results was the incredible coverage of the mainstream media. Few protest sites were left uncovered and many had multiple local print and television news outlets present. This is proof that Grassroots efforts are effective. We talk to you about your local rally and what it means going forward.

5:40 – “Hunger Games”
It’s a film that has garnered an immense amount of attention and controversy. It opened this weekend with the third-largest opening weekend box office take ever and the largest open in history for a non-sequel. Steven Greydanus has the review.

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